
Love from our users

❣️ Timeline of love from our users

What's your favorite slack channel at work? Mine is #love. We’ve created this internal Slack channel in 2020 to spread the love from our users. Since then, we've posted non-stop. We’re now early 2023. In total, we’ve shared +350 screenshots, tons of quotes from our users and for the past months there's at least 2 posts per days on this channel.

If you want to witness this love grow and take part into the adventure, you're in the right place at the right time. Look at our 🏡Join our team section

💫 2023

Love from a candidate using folk to manage their interview processes
Love from a candidate using folk to manage their interview processes

🙌 2022

Love through Intercom
Love through Intercom
Love through NPS survey
Love through NPS survey
Love through DM to our team
Love through DM to our team
Love through DM to our Product team
Love through DM to our Product team

🐣 Early love