
How we work

At folk, the three most important things are:

  • focus: in order to be able to produce high-quality solutions, which usually comes with being in the zone (or this)
  • priority: so everyone knows the what and why of what we’re working on right now, and what comes next
  • rhythm: we want to make sure we work at a good pace, without spending too much time on small details or compromising on quality. We want to find the right balance.

So what exactly does this look like in our product & engineering team?

We have decided to implement a project methodology we humbly named La Cadence™️. describing how we spend our energy and why.

🤓  Here's a blog post written by Jean-Yves, our CTO, about it:

If you want to get a better idea of daily life in our engineering team, this section should help 👀 What's the day-to-day in our engineering team?

Do you have any team rituals?

We sure do! Here are some of our favorite ones:

🚀 folk-on every Monday to start the week all together and discuss our primary focus.

🔥 demo time every Friday during which teammates showcase achievements of the week.

🎯 we're working on a 3-month cycle of development & goals for everyone on the team. We organize end-of-cycle rituals where we gather the entire team to run a retrospective, set our future goals, discuss our roadmap, and as always enjoy some quality time together.

😋 every couple of months, we have team gatherings in the City of Light, filled with great food and activities.

🌄 every 4 months, we go all out with our legendary 'folk-off' team offsites. Three days of delicious meals, and loads of fun in a beautiful location.

☕ Coffee time every day via Slack Huddle

🎮 Other more spontaneous moments to chill and relax (lunch, gaming session, hikes, etc.)