Diversity is the range of our backgrounds and identities that make us unique.
Inclusion is the act of creating fairness by providing equal opportunities and making sure people feel welcome in a group.
Belonging (at work) is feeling seen for our unique contributions, supported in our daily work and career, connected to our coworkers, and proud of our organization's values and purpose.

We are building a delightful work environment and product for everyone. We need as many perspectives as we can get. We know it’s essential for our success as individuals, a company, and a product.
💡 Did you know that the first airbags killed many women and children? Why? Because they were designed by men and tested on male dummies only.
Building a diverse and inclusive workplace helps build a better product. Studies show that when minorities are represented at 30% (or more) in a team, decisions made are 87% better.
And if we look at the start-up ecosystem we have work to do:
- 30.1 is the average age in start-ups in France
- 1% of CTOs are women, 30,1% of managers are women
- 71% of founders come from "grandes ecoles” study programs
- And my favorite: in 2018, there were as many women CEOs as men named John in the Fortune 500 ranking
Why now?
We're being intentional about Diversity and Inclusion early on, rather than course-correcting later. We’re building early for our D&I work to scale with us.
Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DIB) is about intentionally enabling everyone to belong. Rather than a policy, it's embedded in how we work as team and in every choice we make. In short, it’s in every component of our team experience.
Where we are today. What we’ll do tomorrow.What YOU can do.Let's focus on Inclusive Communication