
What's your salary approach?

The little story behind our salary grid

Every time there's a new job ad ready to be posted, we ask ourselves the same question: should we share the salary range? (Seems familiar right? 😄)

At folk, we decided we'd rather share our salary grid than a raw number so you can fully grasp our approach and easily project yourself.

While building our salary approach, we chose to make it simple and fully aligned with the team experience we're building. We've built our transparent salary grid to show what we value: the impact every team member is bringing to the team.

Salary made simple.

Salary = "Role category" x "Impact"

Our salary approach focuses on two variables:

  • Impact: What matters is the level of accountability and impact you'll have within the team. We believe management paths are as valuable as individual contributors’ path to folk.
  • Description of each Level of impact (Contributor, Owner, Expert, Lead or Principal #1 - #2 - #3)
    Description of each Sub-Level (New, Established, Moving up, Thriving)
  • Role Category: GTM, People, Product, Design, Tech

Salary grid per role category 👇


Level of Impact/Sub-level


Level of Impact/Sub-level
€50,400 (€32,760 base + €17,640 variable)
€52,500 (€34,125 base + €18,375 variable)
€54,600 (€35,490 base + €19,110 variable)
€56,700 (€36,885 base + €19,845 variable)
€59,430 (€38,630 base + €20,800 variable)
€62,160 (€40,404 base + €21,756 variable)
€64,890 (€42,719 base + €22,712 variable)
€67,620 (€43,953 base + €23,667 variable)
€70,980 (€46,137 base + €24,843 variable)
€74,340 (€48,321 base + €26,019 variable)
€77,700 (€50,505 base + €27,195 variable)
€81,060 (€52,689 base + €28,371 variable)
€84,630 (€55,010 base + €29,621 variable)
€88,200 (€57,330 base + €30,870 variable)
€91,770 (€59,651 base + €32,120 variable)
€95,340 (€61,971 base + €33,369 variable)
€99,120 (€64,428 base + €34,692 variable)
€102,900 (€66,885 base + €36,015 variable)
€106,680 (€69,342 base + €37,338 variable)
€110,460 (€71,799 base + €38,661 variable)
€114,467 (€74,404 base + €40,063 variable)
€118,474 (€77,008 base + €41,466 variable)
€122,481 (€79,613 base + €42,868 variable)
€126,488 (€82,217 base + €44,271 variable)

👀 Related documentation:



Level of Impact/Sub-level


Level of Impact/Sub-level

What are the core principles of our salary grid?

How do we approach salary positioning in our recruitment process?

👀 If you want to learn more about Equity at folk, check out 🌟What about Equity?